ABATEMENT TECHNOLOGIES IC21000PK* ICRA Packages for Mobile Containment
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ABATEMENT TECHNOLOGIES IC21000PK* ICRA Packages for Mobile Containment


ABATEMENT TECHNOLOGIES IC21000PK* ICRA Packages for Mobile Containment
PN : IC21000PK*

Time and cost-saving ICRA compliance packages. These convenient kits include an air scrubber, a wet/dry HEPA vacuum, a pressure monitor, and various accessories. ICRA kits provide facilities with a prepackaged assortment of the items most commonly required for isolation of airborne construction contaminants. ICRA kits provide 6 or more ACH in containment areas as large as 5,000 to 20,000 cubic feet.

Each Abatement Technologies ICRA Compliance Pack­age includes:

  • HEPA-AIRE® or PREDATOR® Portable Air Scrubber
  • PPM3 differential-pressure monitor
  • HEPA vacuum and an assortment of related particle containment accessories

Maximum Containment Area in Cubic Ft   : 21,000
Portable Air Scrubber : PAS2400
Wet/Dry Vac Room   : V8000WD
Pressure Monitor Kit (Portable or Fixed, depending on Package) : Room Pressure Monitor
Pre-filters (1 cs)  :  F1821
Secondary Filters (1 cs)  : H1902
Flex Duct & Locking Attachment Clamp (1 ea)  : H203012-10 & H2350-12
6 Mil ICRA Awareness Barrier (1 ea)  : DS-8500FR
Zipwall Adhesive Zippers (2 ea)  : HCHDAZ12
Grill Mask (1 cs) & Dispenser (1 ea)   : K1-GM-13 & K1-GM-DS-13

*PK packages contain the PPM3-S portable differential pressure monitor

ABATEMENT TECHNOLOGIES IC21000PK* ICRA Packages for Mobile Containment
PN : IC21000PK*

Time and cost-saving ICRA compliance packages. These convenient kits include an air scrubber, a wet/dry HEPA vacuum, a pressure monitor, and various accessories. ICRA kits provide facilities with a prepackaged assortment of the items most commonly required for isolation of airborne construction contaminants. ICRA kits provide 6 or more ACH in containment areas as large as 5,000 to 20,000 cubic feet.

Each Abatement Technologies ICRA Compliance Pack­age includes:

  • HEPA-AIRE® or PREDATOR® Portable Air Scrubber
  • PPM3 differential-pressure monitor
  • HEPA vacuum and an assortment of related particle containment accessories

Maximum Containment Area in Cubic Ft   : 21,000
Portable Air Scrubber : PAS2400
Wet/Dry Vac Room   : V8000WD
Pressure Monitor Kit (Portable or Fixed, depending on Package) : Room Pressure Monitor
Pre-filters (1 cs)  :  F1821
Secondary Filters (1 cs)  : H1902
Flex Duct & Locking Attachment Clamp (1 ea)  : H203012-10 & H2350-12
6 Mil ICRA Awareness Barrier (1 ea)  : DS-8500FR
Zipwall Adhesive Zippers (2 ea)  : HCHDAZ12
Grill Mask (1 cs) & Dispenser (1 ea)   : K1-GM-13 & K1-GM-DS-13

*PK packages contain the PPM3-S portable differential pressure monitor