Dräger PAS® Colt
Combining versatility, ease-of-use, and the latest in breathing apparatus design, Dräger’s PAS® Colt is among the most technologically advanced, short duration, and emergency escape units available.

Dräger PAS® Micro
Combining versatility, ease-of-use, and the latest in breathing apparatus design, Dräger’s PAS® Micro is among the most technologically advanced, short duration, and emergency escape units available.

Dräger PAS® Lite
For use in industrial applications where a simple, robust, and easy-to-use breathing apparatus is required, the Dräger PAS® Lite Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) combines reliability with comfort and performance.

PAS Lite

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  • +++3357774+++3358743+++3358904+++3358905+++4046190+++4046191+++4046192+++4046193+++4046194+++4046197+++4046198+++4046199+++4055740+++4500 psi+++902+++backplate without cylinder mask+++draeger+++dräger+++pas lite+++pas lite - 2216+++pas lite airline+++pas lite airline niosh lp+++pas lite chargair niosh lp+++pas lite charge-air+++pas lite kit – 2216 psi without scba case+++pas lite niosh chargair 2216 psi+++pas lite niosh chargair 4500 psi+++pas lite niosh high presure+++pas lite – 2216 psi+++pas® lite kit – 2216 psi with scba case+++pas® lite – 4500 psi+++scba proair evo 45/60 carbon w/bb+++sr&p breathing systems+++w/o cyl mask+++
  • +++3357774+++3358743+++3358904+++3358905+++4046190+++4046191+++4046192+++4046193+++4046194+++4046197+++4046198+++4046199+++4055740+++4500 psi+++902+++backplate without cylinder mask+++draeger+++dräger+++pas lite+++pas lite - 2216+++pas lite airline+++pas lite airline niosh lp+++pas lite chargair niosh lp+++pas lite charge-air+++pas lite kit – 2216 psi without scba case+++pas lite niosh chargair 2216 psi+++pas lite niosh chargair 4500 psi+++pas lite niosh high presure+++pas lite – 2216 psi+++pas® lite kit – 2216 psi with scba case+++pas® lite – 4500 psi+++scba proair evo 45/60 carbon w/bb+++sr&p breathing systems+++w/o cyl mask+++
  • +++3357774+++3358743+++3358904+++3358905+++4046190+++4046191+++4046192+++4046193+++4046194+++4046197+++4046198+++4046199+++4055740+++4500 psi+++902+++backplate without cylinder mask+++draeger+++dräger+++pas lite+++pas lite - 2216+++pas lite airline+++pas lite airline niosh lp+++pas lite chargair niosh lp+++pas lite charge-air+++pas lite kit – 2216 psi without scba case+++pas lite niosh chargair 2216 psi+++pas lite niosh chargair 4500 psi+++pas lite niosh high presure+++pas lite – 2216 psi+++pas® lite kit – 2216 psi with scba case+++pas® lite – 4500 psi+++scba proair evo 45/60 carbon w/bb+++sr&p breathing systems+++w/o cyl mask+++
  • +++3357774+++3358743+++3358904+++3358905+++4046190+++4046191+++4046192+++4046193+++4046194+++4046197+++4046198+++4046199+++4055740+++4500 psi+++902+++backplate without cylinder mask+++draeger+++dräger+++pas lite+++pas lite - 2216+++pas lite airline+++pas lite airline niosh lp+++pas lite chargair niosh lp+++pas lite charge-air+++pas lite kit – 2216 psi without scba case+++pas lite niosh chargair 2216 psi+++pas lite niosh chargair 4500 psi+++pas lite niosh high presure+++pas lite – 2216 psi+++pas® lite kit – 2216 psi with scba case+++pas® lite – 4500 psi+++scba proair evo 45/60 carbon w/bb+++sr&p breathing systems+++w/o cyl mask+++